Participate in an Action

Certification and Authorization of Representative Pursuant to Federal Securities Laws

  • Acquisitions or Sales is required.

First Name * (required)


Last Name * (required)

Email * (required)

Phone Number * (required)

Name of Stock * (required)

Address * (required)

City * (required)

State * (required)

Zipcode / Postal Code * (required)

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If Representing Corporation, Trust, Partnership or other entity, Name of Entity

If Representing an Entity, Position at Entity


Plaintiff certifies that:

  1. Plaintiff has reviewed the complaint and authorized its filing.
  2. Plaintiff did not acquire the security that is the subject of this action at the direction of plaintiff's counsel or in order to participate in this private action or any other litigation under the federal securities laws.
  3. Plaintiff is willing to serve as a representative party on behalf of a class, including providing testimony at deposition and trial, if necessary.
  4. Plaintiff represents and warrants that he/she/it is fully authorized to enter into and execute this certification.
  5. Plaintiff will not accept any payment for serving as a representative party on behalf of a class beyond the Plaintiff's pro rata share of any recovery, except such reasonable costs and expenses (including lost wages) directly relating to the representation of the class as ordered or approved by the court.
  6. Plaintiff has made no transaction(s) during the Class Period in the debt or equity securities that are the subject of this action except those set forth below:


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  1. During the three years prior to the date of this Certification, Plaintiff has not sought to serve or served as a representative party for a class in an action filed under the federal securities laws except if detailed below:



I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the United States, that the information entered is accurate. *(required)

By clicking on the button below, I intend to sign and execute this agreement. *(required)

Draw your signature below using your mouse. *(required)

Signed pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1633.1, et seq. - and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act as adopted by the various states and territories of the United States.
